Chapter 26 - Bronze Age History of Thebes

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1 Introduction
According to tradition, Cadmus founded Thebes after receiving an oracle to "build a town on the land where the cow fatigued and fell." [1]
However, there are accounts that Thebes was plentifully provided with water, and abounds in green pastures and fertile hills. [2]
When Cadmus invaded Boeotia, the land on which Cadmeia was later built was by no means uninhabited. Cadmus fought against the natives and won the best place to settle.
The history of Thebes in the Bronze Age is covered by a thick veil of absurd stories.
But behind that veil lies a turbulent history.

2 Age of Cadmus (1420-1390 BC)
2.1 Founding of Cadmeia
In 1420 BC, Cadmus, son of Agenor, invaded Boeotia from Thracia through Thessaly. [3]
At that time, the Aonians lived around Glisas, northeast of Thebes. Hyantes had driven out Ectenes and lived around Onchestus. Ectenes, driven by Hyantes, lived north of Thebes. [4]
Cadmus fought against the native tribes and won, allowing the Aonians to continue living around Glisas. [5]
Ectenes resisted but was defeated and migrated to Attica. Hyantes was also driven westward. [6]
Part of the Hyantes migrated to Aetolia. [7]
When Aetolus, son of Endymion, migrated from Elis to Aetolia in 1320 BC, the first settlers there, Curetes, were presumably Hyantes, who changed their name. [8]
Cadmus founded Cadmeia on the hill that would later become the Acropolis of Thebes. The Aonians lived in villages, but Cadmus and his immigrants lived together in Cadmeia. [9]
Cadmus had an underground aqueduct built that flowed from Cadmeia. [10]
Civil engineering had already been carried out before the underground aqueduct was built at Lake Copais.
Cadmus' choice of Cadmeia also involved copper mining.
It is presumed that it was the ore called cadmea that was exposed above ground. [10-1]
Legend has it that Cadmus found out copper in Cadmeia. [10-2]

2.2 People who migrated with Cadmus
2.2.1 Pelasgians Founding of Hyria (Euboea)
Cadmus left Sidon in Phoenicia and stopped in Samothrace, where the Pelasgians, who had migrated from Arcadia under Dardanus, lived. Megassares, one of them, joined Cadmus's migration from Samothrace to Boeotia. Megassares' wife Alcyone was the sister of Electra, the mother of Cadmus' wife Harmonia. [11]
Megassares settled near the crossing to Euboea island and founded a town called Euboea.
Apollodoros reports that Hyrieus' sons, Nycteus and Lycus, killed Phlegyas and fled from "Euboea" to "Hyria". [12]
For the following reasons, "Euboea" is assumed to be the old name of Hyria near Aulis, and "Hyria" is assumed to be Hysiae at the foot of Mount Cithaeron.
1) The sons of Hyrieus lived in Hyria, named after Hyrieus. [13]
2) Hysiae at the foot of Mount Cithaeron was also called Hyria. [14]
Hyrieus (or Chthonius), who is assumed to be the son of Megassares, succeeded his father and named the town Hyria after himself. [15]
The reason why Megassares is assumed to be the father of Hyrieus is as follows:
The name Megassares is only passed down as the king of Hyria, the father of Pharnace, wife of Sandocus, who migrated from Syria to Cilicia and founded Celenderis when Apollodoros moved there. [16]
Sandocus was a fifth generation descendant from Herse, daughter of the first Athens king Cecrops. [17]
Calculating backwards from the years of reign of the Athens kings as reported by Castor, Cecrops was born in 1596 BC. Also, assuming one generation is 25 years for men and 20 years for women, Sandocus was born in 1445 BC. Therefore, Megassares, the father of Sandocus' wife Pharnace, was born in 1465 BC.
On the other hand, Nycteus was the son of Hyrieus, and the husband of Nycteus' daughter Nycteis was Polydorus, the son of Cadmus. [18]
In other words, Nycteus was of the same generation as Cadmus, and Nycteus' father Hyrieus was one of the Sparti during Cadmus' time, also called Chthonius. [19]
Also, since Hysiae, which Nycteus founded, was a colony of Hyria, it is likely that Nycteus' father Hyrieus lived in Hyria. [20]
From the above, it is assumed that Hyrieus' father was Megassare, the father of Pharnace, who is reported by Apollodoros to have been the king of Hyria. [21]
The marriage between Pharnace, daughter of Megassares of Hyria in Boeotia, and Sandocus, founder of Celenderis in Cilicia, is presumed to have taken place as follows:
Hyria and Celenderis are about 900 km apart in a straight line, but the meeting place was Samothrace. Sandocus' father Astynous was a resident of Sidon in Phoenicia. [22]
Astynous provided ships for Cadmus' colony, and accompanied Cadmus with his son Sandocus from Sidon to Thracia. [23]
Megassare's wife Alcyone was born in Cyllene in Arcadia, to Pleione, daughter of Atlas. [24]
Dardanus, son of Alcyone's sister Electra, emigrated from Arcadia to Samothrace before Cadmus, along with Alcyone, her husband Megassare, and their children. [25]
Sandocus met Megassare's daughter Pharnace on the island and accompanied Cadmus' colony to Thracia. He then married Pharnace and returned to Sidon with his father Astynous, after which he emigrated to Cilicia and founded Celenderis. [26] Founding of Hysiae
In 1390 BC, a huge tsunami hit the towns near the Strait of Euripus, and Hyria was also affected. Hyrieus' two sons, Nycteus and Lycus, sought a new land inland and founded Hysiae at the foot of Mount Cithaeron, about 33 km southwest of Hyria. [27]
There is a legend that Nycteus and Lycus killed Phlegyas and fled from Euboea to Hyria. [28]
It is also said that Hysiae is the name of Hysiae, but this Euboea is not an island but a place name near Aulis, and is probably the old name of Hyria. [29]
The following Euboeas are the same as this non-island Euboea.
1) Euboea, where the Thracians of Naxos (Strongyle) attacked but were repelled. [30]
2) Euboea, where Orion returned. [31]
Nycteus married Polyxo and had two daughters, Nycteis and Antiope. [32]
Nycteus' daughter Nycteis married Polydorus, son of Cadmus. After Polydorus died, leaving behind an infant son, Labdacus, Nycteus moved to Cadmeia and became guardian of his grandson, Labdacus. [33]
After Nycteus' death, his brother Lycus took over as guardian of Labdacus. [34]
Lycus' palace was near the tomb of Cadmus' daughter, Semele, in Thebes. [35] Migration to the Italian Peninsula
In 1390 BC, Messapus, believed to be the son of Hyrieus, led a group of immigrants from Hyria to Peucetia in the southeastern part of the Italian peninsula. [36]
The migration of Messapus was probably due to the great tsunami and the epidemic of malaria that followed. [37]
The area of ​​the southeastern Italian peninsula where Messapus settled was called Messapia. [38]
There is a tradition that a group of Cretan immigrants settled in the area during the time of Minos and founded Hyria, but it is believed that Messapus founded it and named it after his hometown. [39] Founding of Anthedon
Anthas, another son of Megassares, migrated from Hyria to the northwestern coast and founded Anthedon. [40]
Anthas, also known as Hyperenor, is a Sparti and is believed to be the person who brought the secret rite of Cabeiri to Greece. Anthedon had a sanctuary of Cabeiri. [41]
The sanctuary of the Cabeiri is located about 5 km west of the Neistan gate of Thebes.
Pelarge's father Potnieus, who was a priest at the sanctuary after the Epigoni's siege of Thebes, is presumably a descendant of Anthas of Anthedon. [42] Founding of Eleutherae
Eleuther, son of Aethusa, daughter of Megassares, migrated from Hyria across Mount Cithaeron to the south and founded Eleutherae. [43]
Eleuther had a son, Iasius, but the name of Eleuther's wife is unknown. [44]
It is presumed that Eleuther's wife was Antiope, daughter of Nycteus, for the following reasons:
1) Antiope gave birth to twin sons, Amphion and Zethus, in Eleutherae. [45]
2) Antiope was the daughter of Eleuther's maternal cousin, Nycteus. [46]
In other words, Antiope was Eleuther's second cousin, and the chronology makes sense as a married couple.
It is likely that Antiope married Eleuther of Eleutherae, who crossed Mount Cithaeron from her father Nycteus in Hysiae. [47]
There are many legends about Antiope related to Epopeus of Sicyon, but all of these are fabrications by later poets.

2.2.2 Telchines
The Telchines settled about 8 km northeast of Thebes (later Teumessus) and built a sanctuary of Telchinian Athena. Pausanias speculates that they were Telchines who lived in Cyprus. They are thought to have joined the Cadmus migration from Telchines (later Rhodes) via Samothrace. [48]

2.2.3 Gephyraeans
The Gephyraeans (a branch of the Phoenicians) led by Cephisus settled around Tanagra. [49]
Shortly after they settled there, the Athenians, who were pursued by the Thracians led by Eumolpus, fled to the area, and the Gephyraeans welcomed them and lived with them for a while. [50]
The Gephyraeans and the Athenians then had contact with each other, and the marriage between Praxithea, daughter of Diogenia, daughter of Cephisus, and Erechtheus, the sixth king of Athens, took place. [51]
In 1200 BC, the Gephyraeans migrated to Athens, pursued by Poemander, grandson of Poemander, son of Chaeresilaus of Tanagra. [52]

2.2.4 Arabians
The Arabians settled in Euboea. [53]

2.3 Migration to Illyria
Some of the people who migrated to Boeotia with Cadmus settled near Lake Copais. They were called Encheleans after the eels that were caught in Lake Copais. [54]
Lycotherses, who later married Cadmus' daughter Agave, was an Enchelean. [55]
Lycotherses' father was the leader of the Encheleans and is presumed to have been Cadmus' brother.
Tradition has it that Cadmus migrated to Illyria at the request of the Encheleans. [56]
However, it is also said that Cadmus was expelled from Cadmeia and migrated to Illyria. [57]
Considering the fact that there was internal strife in Cadmeia during the time of Cadmus' son Polydorus and Polydorus' son Labdacus, Cadmus was likely banished from the town due to internal strife.
It is assumed that Sparti, who were second in power to Cadmus, were responsible for Cadmus' banishment.
In 1390 BC, Cadmus emigrated to Illyria with the Encheleans.
Epirus, the daughter of Cadmus' daughter Agave and Echion, died during the journey. [58]
Cadmus died in Butoe (or Buthoe, now Budva), a seaside town in Illyria. [59]

3 Age of Polydorus, son of Cadmus (1390-1370 BC)
Cadmus was succeeded by his son Polydorus. [60]

3.1 Return of Polydorus
In 1380 BC, Polydorus, who moved to Illyria with his father, returned to Cadmeia with his grown sons. [61]
Polydorus' son Labdacus is the only one whose name is known, but it is believed that Labdacus had many older brothers. Polydorus was over 50 years old when he died, leaving behind the infant Labdacus. [62]
Polydorus' sons probably stayed in Illyria for about 10 years until they reached warrior age, during which time Cadmeia was ruled by the Sparti.
A group of Encheleans moved from Illyria with Polydorus and settled near Cadmeia. Their town was called Enchelia, and later, together with Cadmeia, it became Thebes. [63]

3.2 Death of Polydorus
Polydorus married Nycteis, daughter of Nycteus, son of Chthonius (also known as Hyrieus), one of the Sparti, and had a son, Labdacus. [64]
In 1370 BC, Polydorus was killed by Pentheus, son of Agave, daughter of Cadmus. [65]
Pentheus is named as one of the kings of Thebes, and may have been king before Labdacus ascended to the throne. [66]

3.3 Power struggle
Echion, the father of Pentheus who murdered Polydorus, was a Sparti. [67]
Pentheus was murdered by Dionysus, the son of Semele, the daughter of Cadmus. [68]
Nycteus, the father of Polydorus' wife, is thought to have also been involved in the murder of Pentheus. Nycteus became the guardian of Labdacus, who was still a boy. [69]
It is believed that there was a power struggle between the descendants of Cadmus and the Sparti from the time of the founding of Cadmeia. Their conflict continued through the times of Oedipus and Creon until Autesion, the son of Tisamenus, left Thebes. Even after the Boeotians became the rulers of Thebes, the Sparti continued to hold power in Thebes until the time of Epamenondas in the 4th century BC.

4 Age of Labdacus, son of Polydorus (1370-1337 BC)
When Labdacus' father Polydorus died, he was still a boy, so Nycteus, father of his mother Nycteis, became his guardian. [70]
Labdacus later died, leaving behind his one-year-old son Laius. [71]

4.1 Birth of Amphion and Zethus
In 1365 BC, twin sons Amphion and Zethus were born to Antiope, daughter of Nycteus, son of Hyrieus. [72]
Hyrieus (or Chthonius) was one of the five Sparti, second only to Cadmus in power. [73]

4.2 Tradition of Antiope and Epopeus
Tradition has it that Amphion and Zethus were the sons of Epopeus of Sicyon, born to Antiope. [74]
However, there is no mention of them in Sicyon or Epopeus, apart from the time of their birth. It seems as though later poets deliberately tried to link Amphion and Zethus, who founded Thebes, to Sicyon. [75]
The only legend that seems to be true about Amphion and Zethus is that they were born in Eleutherae. [76]
From this it can be deduced that:
At that time Eleutherae was inhabited by Eleuther, the son of Aethusa, daughter of Megassares, who had emigrated to Boeotia with Cadmus, and that Eleuther was the founder of Eleutherae. [77]
At Hysiae, north of Eleutherae over Mount Cithaeron, lived Antiope, daughter of Nycteus. [78]
Eleuther married Antiope, daughter of his maternal cousin, and had Amphion and Zethus. [79]
The Thebans probably did not want to admit that someone from Eleutherae had founded Thebes, so they deliberately did not record the father's name.

4.3 Battle of Nycteus and Epopeus
The legend of Antiope and Epopeus is fiction, but the battle between Epopeus, king of Sicyon, and Nycteus seems to be historical fact. [80]

4.3.1 Connection of Epopeus and Cadmeia
Epopeus' mother was Canace, daughter of Aeolus, who lived in Arne in Thessaly. [81]
Epopeus moved from Sicyon to Arne to be adopted by his grandfather Aeolus. [82]
In 1370 BC, Boeotus, son of Aeolus' daughter Melanippe, returned from the Italian peninsula to Arne and succeeded Aeolus. [83]
Epopeus returned to Sicyon and became king of Sicyon. [84]
Epopeus is thought to have become acquainted with the Sparti, who lived in Cadmeia, during his travels between Sicyon and Arne.
Later, Epopeus married Metope (or Melia), daughter of Ladon, who was a descendant of Udaeus, one of the five Sparti who were second only to Cadmus in power.

4.3.2 Course of the Battle
The battle between Nycteus and Epopeus is assumed to have taken the following course:
The guardian of Labdacus, Nycteus, became tyrannical, which caused the Sparti to oppose him, and Epopeus sided with the Sparti, which led to a battle.
Nycteus died in the battle, and his brother Lycus succeeded him as guardian of Labdacus. In other words, Epopeus' addition to Sparti was in vain. [85]
The battle is assumed to have taken place in 1365 BC, the year Amphion and Zethus were born.

4.4 Marriage to Sicyon
In 1352 BC, Ladon's daughter Metope (or Melia) was married to Epopeus of Sicyon. [86]
Epopeus and Metope's son Tenerus was the founder of the oracle of Mount Ptous, and Tenerus' descendant Tiresias was a Sparti descended from Udaeus. [87]

4.5 Death of Labdacus
In 1337 BC, Labdacus died, leaving behind a one-year-old son, Laius. [88]
Labdacus was said to have been murdered by mad women because he shared the same views as Pentheus. [89]
Labdacus, who died in his late 30s, is believed to have had many other sons besides Laius.
It is believed that Labdacus and his sons died, leaving behind Laius, due to internal conflicts that had been continuing since the time of Cadmus.

5 Age of Laius, son of Labdacus (1337-1264 BC)
Laius succeeded Labdacus as a minor, so he was guardianed by Lycus, the brother of his grandfather Nycteus.[90]

5.1 Marriage of Amphion and Niobe
In 1345 BC, Amphion and Zethus emigrated from Eleutherae northward across Mt. Cithaeron.
They founded Eutresis about 14 km northeast of Leuktra, leaving Thebes through the Hypsistan gate. [91]
The sanctuary of Cabeiri was located about 7 km northeast of Eutresis. [92]
The worship of Cabeiri, brought from Samothrace to Boeotia, was similar to the worship of Cybele, known as the "Mother of the Gods," "Mother of the mountains," and "Great goddess of Phrygia." [93]
In 1332 BC, Amphion met and married Niobe, daughter of Tantalus, who lived in Lydia, at the sanctuary of Cabeiri. [94]
The connection between Niobe and the worship of Cybele can be inferred from the following:
1) Broteas, brother of Niobe, made the oldest statue of the Mother of the Gods. [95]
2) When Tantalus was driven from near Mount Ida by Ilus, son of Tros, he took refuge in Pessinus in Phrygia. [96]
Cybele, mother of Corybas, had moved to Pessinus before Tantalus from Mount Ida, near Tantalus' former territory. [97]
3) Cybele was honored by the Phrygians who had emigrated to Greece with Pelops, brother of Niobe. [98]

5.2 Amphion's attack on Cadmeia
5.2.1 First attack
In 1326 BC, Amphion and Zethus attacked Cadmeia, but were defeated by Lycus. Amphion and Zethus fled to Locris. [99]
Amphion and Zethus attacked Lycus because Lycus had been their guardian for 20 years and had taken power for himself. [100]
To Amphion and Zethus, Lycus was the uncle of their mother Antiope, but Laius was the grandson of Antiope's sister, i.e. Laius was the son of their cousin. [101]

5.2.2 Exile in Locris
Amphion and Zethus went into exile with Physcius, the son of Aetolus, the son of Amphictyon, who lived in Antheia near Thermopylae in Locris. [102]
Physcius was the father of Thebe, wife of Zethus. [103]

5.2.3 Attack on Cadmeia
In 1325 BC, Amphion and Zethus gathered forces and attacked Cadmeia again. [104]
Amphion and Zethus were joined by the following people:
1) Leleges
The Leleges, who lived in Locris, joined Amphion and Zethus, led by Locrus, the brother of Zethus' wife Thebe. [105]
2) Aeolians
Epopeus tried to end the rule of Nycteus, the guardian of Labdacus, but failed. [106]
Epopeus' son Ismenus, following his father's wishes, joined Amphion and Zethus to end the rule of Lycus, the guardian of Laius. [107]
3) Boeotians
The Boeotians, who lived in Arne in Thessaly, joined Amphion and Zethus, led by Itonus, the son of Boeotus. [108]
Boeotus was the son of Melanippe, the wife of Itonus, the brother of Aetolus, the father of Locrus' father Physcius. Locrus therefore called on his cousin Boeotus for help.

5.2.4 Outcome of the Battle Treatment of Laius
Amphion and Zethus killed Lycus and gained control of Cadmeia.
There are legends that Laius, the son of Labdacus, was banished by Amphion or secretly fled the city. [109]
However, there are legends that Laius later defected to Pelops. [110]
If Laius and Amphion were enemies, there is no way that Laius would defect to Pelops, the brother of Amphion's wife Niobe.
It is more reasonable to assume that Laius remained king and that Amphion took over as Laius' guardian from Lycus. Place of Residence of Amphion
Amphion did not live in Cadmeia, but near the later Proetidian gate, where the tombs of Amphion and Zethus were located. [111]
Also, Lycus, whom Amphion killed, lived there before Amphion. [112] Migration from Thessaly
Itonus, son of Boeotus, emigrated from Arne in Thessaly to the vicinity of Coroneia in Boeotia. Itonus founded Arne, which is said to have been submerged in the lake, on the shores of Lake Copais, below Coroneia, which was on high ground. [113]
There, a sanctuary of the Itonian Athena was built, and the Boeotians held their confederate meetings there. [114]
It seems that the inhabitants of Coroneia accepted the migration of Itonus and his people because Coroneia and Haliartus also cooperated with Amphion and Zethus. The founders of those cities, Coronus and Haliartus, were brothers of Proetus, father of Maera, mother of Zethus' wife Thebe. [115] Migration from Sicyon
Ismenus, son of Epopeus, migrated from Sicyon to a hill near Cadmeia. [116]
The hill is thought to be the residence of Ismenus's maternal ancestors, and the river flowing nearby was named after Ladon, father of Ismenus' mother Metope. [117]
The hill also contained the tomb of Metope's brother Caanthus. [118]
The hill and the river were then named after Ismenus. [119]

5.3 Inhabitants at the time of the founding of Thebes
The people who lived in and around Cadmeia were the following tribes:
1) Pelasgians, who migrated from Argos via Egypt
2) Phoenicians, who migrated from Phoenicia
3) Arcadians, who migrated from Arcadia via Samothrace
4) Aeolis, who migrated from Thessaly via Sicyon

5.4 Construction of Thebes
In 1324 BC, Amphion and Zethus enlarged the town by expanding it towards Enchelia, next to Cadmeia, and called it Thebes after Zethus' wife Thebe. [120]
Amphion also built a wall with several gates to protect the town from the tyrannical Phlegyes, who lived nearby. [121]
According to legend, the stones for the wall came to the sound of Amphion's singing. In fact, some say that this legend arose from Amphion's singing to the wall builders in exchange for wages. [122]
The walls of Thebes do not appear to have surrounded the entire town.
Euripides states that the infantry troops lined up on the high ground along the Ismenus River to attack Thebes. It seems likely that the walls were built in a place where the river could not be used as a barrier. [123]

5.5 Seven Gates
Homer tells us that there were seven gates from the beginning. [124]
Other traditions say that there were originally twelve gates. [125]
Hyginus tells us that Amphion named the seven gates after his daughters: Thera, Cleodoxe, Astynome, Astycratia, Chias, Ogygia, and Chloris. [126]
However, by the time of Adrastus's siege of Thebes, the names of the gates had changed.
The names of the seven gates at that time and their origins are as follows:
1) Electran gate, named after Electra, sister of Cadmus. [127]
2) Proetidian gate, named after Proetus, father of Maera, mother of Thebe. [128]
Proetus' father was Thersandorus, father of Haliartus and the founders of Coroneia. [129]
3) Neistan gate, named after Neis, son of Zethus. [130]
4) Crenaean gate, named after the nearby spring of Crenae. [131]
5) Hypsistan gate, named after the nearby sanctuary of Zeus surnamed Hypsistus. [132]
6) Ogygian gate, named after Ogygus, who lived in the direction in which the gate faced. [133]
7) Homoloid gate was named after the gate through which the people who fled to Homole in Thessaly during the siege of Thebes by the Epigoni entered the city on their return. [134]
The last gate was therefore named after the siege of Thebes by the Epigoni. It is likely that either it had a different name before that, or that a new gate was built. [135]

5.6 Death of Amphion and Zethus
Zethus died of grief after his wife Thebe negligently killed their son Neis. [136]
Amphion died of the plague along with his family. [137]
The tombs of Amphion's children were near the Proetidian gate, in separate tombs for his sons and daughters. [138]
The tombs of Amphion and Zethus were also nearby. [139]
The inhabitants of Thebes placed guards over the tombs, believing in an oracle given to them by the 7th century BC prophet Bacis.
The oracle said that if they took earth from the tombs of Amphion and Zethus and brought it to the tomb of Antiope in Tithorea, the land of Tithorea would ripen, but Thebes would have no harvest. [140]
Both Bacis and Thebans mistakenly believe that Antiope, the inhabitant of the tomb at Tithorea in Phocis, was the mother of Amphion and Zethus. The inhabitant of the tomb was Antiope, wife of Phocus, son of Ornytion, son of Sisyphus, and lived more than 150 years later than Antiope, the mother of Amphion and Zethus.[141]

5.7 Founding of the Oracle of Mount Ptous
In 1330 BC, Melia's son Tenerus founded an oracle on Mount Ptous. [142]
Tenerus' descendants included Teiresias, Manto, and Mopsus, who founded the Oracle of Apollon at Clarus, on the seashore near Colophon in Ionia, and was succeeded by his son Mopsus. [143]
Mopsus' daughter Rhode became the eponym of Rhodia (Rhodiapolis) in Lycia. [144]
The seer Aristander, from Telmessus near Rhodia, who served in Alexander the Great's campaigns, may also have been a descendant of Mopsus.
During the Persian War, the priestess of Mount Ptous, who gave oracles in Carian language, was also descendant of Tenerus and may have had contact with the descendants of Mopsus in Asia Minor. [145]
The oracle of Mount Ptous lasted for about 1000 years until Alexander the Great destroyed Thebes. [146]

5.8 Birth of Linus, the epic poet
In 1320 BC, Linus, the son of Amphimarus and Ourania, was born in Thebes. [147]
Linus learned the Phoenician language and letters from the Phoenicians who lived in Thebes and invented the Pelasgic letters. [148]
Linus emigrated from Thebes to Chalcis in Euboea. [149]
Later, Chalcis became a literary city and hosted tournaments that brought together the most famous poets in the Greek world. [150]

5.9 Occupation by Phlegyes
In 1300 BC, after the death of Amphion, during the reign of Laius, Phlegyes under Eurymachus invaded Thebes and captured the city. [151]
Laius fled to Pisa in Eleia, seeking refuge with Pelops, the brother of Niobe, wife of Amphion who was his guardian. [152]
Laius borrowed troops from Pelops and recaptured Thebes. [153]

5.10 Marriage of Laius
Laius married Jocasta (or Iocasta, Epicasta), daughter of Menoeceus. [154]
Menoeceus is presumed to be the grandson of Pentheus, son of Echion of Sparti, since Maeon, son of Haemon, son of Creon, was a Sparti. [155]
Menoeceus was also the father of Hipponome, wife of Alcaeus, father of Amphitryon, father of Heracles, and was the one who invited Amphitryon to Thebes. [156]

5.11 Birth of Oedipus
In 1294 BC, Laius and Jocasta had a son, Oedipus. [157]
Oedipus had older brothers, so he was adopted. [158]
Oedipus' adoptive father was Polybus, who lived in Tenea in Corinth. [159]
Polybus had only one daughter, Lysianassa. [160]
Polybus probably adopted Oedipus to be his heir.
Some traditions say that Polybus' wife was Merope, Dorian. [161]
However, Polybus' wife was Periboea, presumably Oedipus's older sister. [162]
Epopeus, the father of Marathon, the father of Sicyon, the father of Chthonophyle, the mother of Polybus, married Metope from Thebes. [163]
So, there was a connection between Sicyon and Thebes from the time of Epopeus.

5.12 Migration from Attica
In 1279 BC, Cephalus, son of Pandion (or Deion, Deioneus, Deione), emigrated from Thoricus in Attica to Thebes. [164]
Procris was the daughter of Pandion, the eighth king of Athens. [165]
Procris was therefore Cephalus' half-sister.
Tradition has it that Cephalus killed Procris and fled to Thebes. [166]
However, it is assumed that Cephalus emigrated because he was exiled by his brother-in-law, Aegeus, king of Athens.

5.13 Conflict with Haliartus
Conflict between Aeolis, who settled in Orchomenus a little later than Cadmus, and the Thebans was inevitable.
In 1279 BC, a conflict arose in Haliartus, on the border between Orchomenus and Thebes. [167]
The leader of Haliartus was Alopecus, who was presumably the grandson of Haliartus, the adopted son of Athamas. [168]
Laius gave Cephalus an army to fight against Alopecus, and Cephalus was victorious. [169]

5.14 Migration from Tiryns
In 1278 BC, Laius invited Amphitryon, the son of Alcaeus, who lived in Tiryns, to Thebes. The intermediary for this was Menoeceus (or Menoecus) of Sparti, who lived in Thebes. [170]
Menoeceus was the father of Hipponome, the mother of Amphitryon. [171]

5.15 Expedition to Northwestern Greece
In 1277 BC, Amphitryon was invited by his uncles Helius and Electryon to join an expedition to northwestern Greece. Helius had already founded Helos on the coast of Laconia, but Electryon wanted to help him find new land. [172]
Creon and Cephalus from Thebes also participated in this expedition. [173]
During this expedition, Helius colonized the Echinades islands. [174]
Cephalus colonized Cephallenia. [175]
Electryon and his sons were killed in battle during the expedition. [176]
Amphitryon summoned Electryon's children, Licymnius and Alcmena, who had been left behind in Midea, to Thebes, and later made Alcmena his wife. [177]
Amphitryon donated the tripod he had obtained from Teleboans to the temple of Apollo Ismenias in Thebes. [178]

5.16 Birth of Heracles
Amphitryon lived on the right before Electran Gate in Thebes. [179]
In 1275 BC, Amphitryon's wife Alcmena gave birth to a son there.
The boy was named Alcides, or Alcaeus, which was also his grandfather's name. [180]
Later, a Delphic priestess called him Heracles when giving him an oracle, and he was called by that name ever since. [181]
Heracles spent 24 years of his 52-year life in Thebes. [182]

5.17 Death of Laius
5.17.1 Truth of Laius' Death
There is a tradition that Laius was killed by his son Oedipus, without knowing that he was his father.
However, after Laius' death, Creon succeeded him, and Oedipus was living in Tenea at the time. [183]
Laius is said to have died near Panopeus in Phocis, so it is assumed that he died in battle with the Phlegyans. [184]

5.17.2 Damasistratus, who buried Laius
Damasistratus was the same age as Tanagra, the daughter of the river god Asopus, and his wife was Tanagra's sister Plataea, who founded Plataea. [185]
Damasistratus was the brother of Chaeresilaus, father of Poemander, who founded Tanagra, and is probably the son of Iasius, son of Eleuthera, who lived in Eleutherae.
Earlier, Amphion, likely the brother of Iasius, founded Eutresis, west-southwest of Thebes, north of Eleutherae, over Mt. Cithaeron. [186]
Damasistratus founded Plataea, about halfway to Eutresis, north of Eleutherae, over Mt. Cithaeron. [187]
Damasistratus' uncle Amphion was the guardian of Laius. [188]
Tradition has it that Damasistratus accidentally found Laius' body, but it is likely that he was working with Laius.

5.17.3 Year of the Death of Laius
Androgeus, son of Minos, was killed on the way to Thebes to participate in the funeral games of Laius. [189]
The murder of Androgeus triggered a war between Minos and Athens, so Laius' death is estimated to have occurred in 1264 BC.

6 Age of Laius' son (1264-1238 BC)
According to tradition, after Laius' death, Creon succeeded him. [190]
However, Laius had several other sons besides Oedipus. [191]
It is assumed that Oedipus's brother, whose name is unknown, succeeded Laius.

6.1 Battle between Minos and Athens
In 1264 BC, Androgeus, son of Minos, was killed on the way to Thebes to participate in the funeral games of Laius. [192]
This incident is said to be the cause of the battle between Minos and Athens. However, it seems that the historical truth is that Minos sided with the sons of Pallas in the battle between Aegeus and the sons of Pallas in Athens. [193]
Aegeus was driven out of Athens and fled to Megara, where he was attacked by Minos, and then fled to Pittheus in Troezen. This assumption is supported by the fact that the only battle between Minos and Athens that is known in the legend is the one at Megara. [194]
The actions of Thebes in this battle are unclear, but it is believed that they sided with Minos for the following reasons:
1) Androgeus, son of Minos, was on his way to the funeral of Laius in Thebes. [195]
2) After this battle, Minos' brother Rhadamanthys settled in Boeotia. [196]
3) Rhadamanthys' settlement was on the territory of Megareus, who sided with Megara. [197]
4) After Amphitryon's death, Rhadamanthys married Alcmena, who lived in Thebes. [198]

6.2 Battle with Chalcodon
In 1258 BC, Chalcodon, son of Abas, who lived in Chalcis in Euboea, invaded Boeotia.
Amphitryon marched out of the Proetidian gate of Thebes and fought Chalcodon near Teumessus, killing him. [199]

6.3 Battle with Orchomenus
In 1256 BC, Clymenus, king of Orchomenus, was killed in Onchestus by Perieres, charioteer of Menoeceus, son of Creon. [200]
Onchestus was nearer to Thebes than Haliartus, where the battle with Alopecus took place in the time of Laius. [201]
Erginus, son of Clymenus, captured Thebes and exacted tribute from it for twenty years. [202]
At that time Amphitryon was traveling in Peloponnesus with his son Heracles.
It was at this time that Theseus, seven years old, saw Heracles sitting on a lion's skin in the house of Pittheus in Troezen. [203]
Pittheus was the brother of Nicippe, the mother of Amphitryon's wife Alcmena, and Pittheus was Amphitryon's uncle-in-law. [204]
When Amphitryon returned to Thebes, he gathered an army, including Oedipus, who had been adopted by Tenea in Corinth, to fight against Erginus.
The Thebans advanced as far as Orchomenus and were victorious, but Amphitryon was killed in the battle. [205]
Oedipus' two sons, Phrastor and Laonytus, were also killed in the battle. [206]
Rhadamanthys of Ocaleae is thought to have also participated in the battle on the side of Thebes, and he married Amphitryon's widow Alcmena. [207]

6.4 Battle with the Sphinx
In 1238 BC, a large number of ships appeared off the coast of Anthedon. The people who landed from the ships set up a base on a mountain about 550 meters above sea level, about 27 km west-southwest of Anthedon, and ravaged the surrounding area. The group was called the Sphinx, and it is said that they asked people "riddles." It is thought that their words sounded like "riddles" to the local residents who could not understand their language. [208]
Until then, they had invaded Boeotia from Euboea and ravaged it. [209]
However, they were not seen to have ravaged various places on a large number of ships, so it is thought that the Sphinx were part of the "Sea Peoples" who had come from far away. [210]
The Sphinx also approached Thebes, and Creon sent an army to attack it, but Creon's son Haemon and the sons of Laius were killed in battle. [211]
Thebes was probably also attacked, and Creon called for reinforcements.
Rhadamanthys, who had married Thebes, had died by that time. Aegeus ruled Athens, but his relationship with Thebes was not good, and there were seeds of internal conflict. Heracles, to whom Creon had given his daughter Megara, divorced her after the misfortune, and since then Heracles had avoided Thebes. [212]
In the end, Creon called for reinforcements from Oedipus, the son of Laius, who had been adopted by Polybus in Tenea, Corinth. [213]
Oedipus was the son of Creon's sister Jocasta, and Oedipus was Creon's nephew.
At the time, Polybus had Adrastus, who had been forced out of Argos. [214]
Adrastus' mother Lysianassa was Polybus' daughter. [215]
Adrastus is thought to have also participated in the battle against Sphinx, and Oedipus, leading the Corinthians, defeated Sphinx. [216]
Corinth was then under the rule of Jason, son of Aeson, and it is believed that Jason, his son Mermerus, and Ornytion, son of Sisyphus, also participated in the battle. [217]
It is believed that Jason heard about the fertility of the land around Corcyra from Sphinx, who was ravaging various places. [218]
A few years after this battle, Jason, seeking the help of Heracles, marched to the land of the Thesprotians and settled in Corcyra. [219]

7 Age of Oedipus, son of Laius (1238-1225 BC)
Oedipus, son of Laius, became king of Thebes after winning a battle against Sphinx. [220]
Alternatively, Oedipus may have become king of Thebes when Laius' sons were killed in battle against Sphinx. [221]

7.1 Wives of Oedipus
Oedipus had at least three wives.

7.1.1 Jocasta
Oedipus' first wife was Jocasta (or Iocasta), daughter of Hyperphas. [222]
Oedipus married Jocasta when his foster father Polybus became king of Sicyon and moved to Sicyon from Tenea in Corinth. [223]
Hyperphas was a necessary figure to legitimize Oedipus' succession to Tenea, and was presumably the brother of Creon, son of Lycaethus of Corinth. [224]
Jocasta and Oedipus had two sons, Phrastor and Laonytus, who were killed in battle with Erginus of Minyans. [225]
Jocasta's name was the same as that of Jocasta, daughter of Menoeceus, Oedipus' mother, giving rise to the legend that Oedipus married his mother. [226]

7.1.2 Euryganeia
A year after the battle with Erginus of Minyans, Oedipus married Euryganeia (or Eurygania), the sister of his first wife Jocasta. [227]
Euryganeia and Oedipus had two sons, Eteocles and Polyneices (or Polynices), and two daughters, Ismene and Antigona (or Antigone).[228]

7.1.3 Astymedusa
After returning to Thebes, the elderly Oedipus married Astymedusa, the daughter of Sthenelus. [229]
This Sthenelus is presumed to be the father of Eurystheus, king of Mycenae, because the dates match and the following facts:
1) Tenea, where Oedipus lived, was near Mycenae, and it is likely that Oedipus and Astymedusa knew each other.
2) When Manto, who was taken prisoner by the Epigoni, emigrated to Asia Minor, he met Rhacius, the son of Lebes, who was from Mycenae. When Rhacius heard from Manto about the fall of Thebes, he was greatly upset and saddened. Rhacius was related to Astymedusa, who is likely from Mycenae. [230]

7.2 Exile of Oedipus
Oedipus's marriage to Astymedusa caused a rift between him and his sons.
Creon was very hostile towards Heracles, who had divorced his daughter Megara. Creon opposed the marriage between Oedipus and Astymedusa, who was related to Heracles and shared a common ancestor, Perseus, founder of Mycenae, and banished Oedipus from Thebes.
Oedipus' sons, Eteocles and Polyneices, also did not help their father. [231]
In 1225 BC, Oedipus emigrated to Athens with his daughter Antigone and grandson Maeon. [232]
When the Heracleidae returned to Peloponnesus, there were people in Thebes who were related to Aegeus of Athens. [233]
It is believed that they are descendants of a child born between Antigone's son Maeon and Aegeus' granddaughter.

8 Age of Eteocles, son of Oedipus (1225-1215 BC)
8.1 Death of Oedipus
In 1218 BC, Oedipus died at the age of 76. [234]
It is said that Oedipus died in Thebes or Athens, but his funeral took place in Thebes. Argea (or Argia, Argeia), wife of Polyneices, came from Argos to attend the funeral. [235]
The funeral games for Oedipus were held in Thebes, and Mecisteus, son of Talaus, who would be killed in battle at Thebes three years later, participated. [236]
Mecisteus' maternal grandfather Polybus was Oedipus's foster father, and Oedipus was Mecisteus' uncle-in-law. Mecisteus was also Argea's guardian. [237]
They were also accompanied by Amphiaraus, son of Oecles, who also took part in the burial of Oedipus. [238]
Oedipus' remains were later reburied in Athens. [239]

8.2 Background of the Attack of Thebes
Oedipus was succeeded by Eteocles.
The 6th century BC thinker Pherecydes reports that Polyneices was exiled by Eteocles. [240]
The 5th century BC historian Hellanicus reports that Polyneices received some of his property and handed over the kingship to Eteocles. [241]
The conflict between the brothers Polyneices and Eteocles led to the Argives' attack on Thebes, but the decisive motive is unclear.
The only possible explanation is that Polyneices was the rightful heir to the throne. Diodorus reports that Eteocles was the older brother, but Polyneices may have been Eteocles' older brother. [242]
Polyneices had three sons, Thersander, Adrastus, and Timeas, who participated in the siege of Thebes by the Epigoni. On the other hand, the only son of Eteocles known is Laodamas. [243]
Polyneices went to Argos to seek the help of Adrastus, the son of the daughter of Polybus, the foster father of his father Oedipus.
Polyneices had at least three sons with Adrastus' daughter Argia. [244]
Polyneices was probably exiled from Thebes soon after his father Oedipus was exiled. It is assumed that there was a power struggle between Eteocles, who had Creon on his side, and Polyneices. [245]
Even after being exiled, Polyneices had his wife attend the funeral of Oedipus, so there was no conflict until he fought Eteocles.
Afterwards, Polyneices was invited by Eteocles to return to Thebes. However, a decisive conflict arose between Polyneices and Eteocles, and Polyneices again went into exile in Argos.[246]

8.3 Participants in Thebes attack
The participants in Thebes attack, gathered by Polyneices at the behest of Adrastus, son of Talaus, were as follows. [247]
Tydeus, son of Oeneus - husband of Deipyla (or Deipyle), daughter of Adrastus
Capaneus, son of Hipponous - son of Astynome, sister of Adrastus
Eteoclus, son of Iphis - brother of Evadne, wife of Capaneus, son of Astynome, sister of Adrastus
Hippomedon, son of Mnesimachus - son of Metidice, sister of Adrastus
Amphiaraus, son of Oecles - husband of Eriphyle, sister of Adrastus
Mecisteus, son of Talaus - brother of Adrastus
Parthenopaeus, son of Talaus - brother of Adrastus
These were all relatives of Adrastus, but from Arcadia, Parthenopaeus, son of Hippomenes and Atalanta, also participated. [248]
Parthenopaeus cooperated with the Argives for the following reasons:
Schoenus, the father of Atalanta, the mother of Parthenopaeus, who lived in Schoinos, north-northeast of Thebes, was oppressed by the Thebes, who had won a battle against Erginus. [249]
At the same time, Hippomenes of Onchestus, who had lost his father Megareus in a battle against Minos, was also oppressed by the Thebes. [250]
Hippomenes, along with Schoenus' family, emigrated to Arcadia and founded Schoinos. [251]
Parthenopaeus probably participated in the attack on Thebes to avenge his parents, who had lost their homeland to Thebes. [252]
In addition, Messenians also participated in Adrastus's campaign. [253]
In response, Thebes gained the support of mercenaries from Phocis and the Phlegyans from the region of Minyans. [254]
Homer reports that Mycenae was invited by Polyneices and Tydeus to join the expedition, and accepted, but later refused to send troops due to bad omens. [255]
However, Mycenae had been in hostility to Argos from the beginning.
Mycenae also had not been able to join the expedition after Eurystheus's devastating attack on Athens. The visit of Polyneices and Tydeus to Mycenae seems to be a fiction. [256]

8.4 Argives Attack Thebes
In 1215 BC, the Argives, led by Adrastus, left Argos and traveled overland, crossing Mount Cithaeron, to fight the Thebans outside the Electran Gate. When the Thebans took refuge inside the city walls, the Argives distributed their forces to the seven gates. [257]
As a result of the battle, all the generals except Adrastus were killed. [259]
Polyneices and Eteocles, the cause of the battle, were both killed in battle. [260]
Thebes lost its king and lost all booty, a "Cadmean victory." [261]
Creon refused Adrastus's request to take the body, and the Thebans did not allow it to be buried. Adrastus went to Athens to plead with Theseus, who sent an envoy to Thebes and obtained permission to take the body. [262]
The 4th century BC orator Isocrates reports that Athens had threatened Thebes. [263]
The Thebans feared the power of the Athenians, who had recently defeated the Mycenaeans under Eurystheus. Adrastus buried the soldiers at Eleutherae, over Mount Cithaeron, and the generals at Eleusis. [264]
In the Battle of Orkynia in 319 BC, Eumenes cremated the generals and soldiers killed in the battle against Antigonus separately. The custom of separating the bodies according to rank seems to have been practiced for a long time. [265]
Eleutherae was not yet Attica at that time, but it seems that the hostility towards Thebes had allowed the burials. Eleutherae later became Attica. [266]
Creon's cruel treatment of the Argives' bodies was not only due to the siege of the city and the loss of Eteocles.
Creon gave his daughter Megara in marriage to Amphitryon's son Heracles, but Heracles divorced her. [267]
In ancient folklore, divorced women are rare. Divorce seems to have been a disgrace to the woman and her parents.
After divorcing Megara, Heracles moved to avoid Thebes. When Heracles' sons were expelled from Trachis by Eurystheus after his death, they did not go to Thebes but went into exile in Athens. [268]
Creon hated Heracles and his sons, and therefore probably harbored ill will towards the Argives.

8.5 Actual Attack Thebes
The walls of Thebes were built about 100 years ago and were probably reinforced after three attacks by Phlegyes, Minyans, and Sphinx. It was impossible to take Thebes by a straight attack.
In 429 BC, Peloponnesus' allies, with over 10,000 men, were unable to take Plataea, which had less than 500 men inside the walls. [269]
The siege is thus a fiction, and in reality, the Thebans, outnumbered by Adrastus, waited for the expeditionary force at the Electran Gate, and the Argives were defeated in the first battle. [270]
In 1368 BC, the twin sons of Abas, Acrisius of Argos and Proetus of Tiryns, fought outside the city without a siege. [271]

8.6 Place of Amphiaraus' suffering
Amphiaraus was said to have been swallowed up by the earth along with his chariot at Oropus (or Harma) in eastern Boeotia. [272]
This legend is thought to have arisen because the tomb of Melanippus, son of Astacus, whom Amphiaraus had defeated, was located on the road from Thebes to Chalcis. [273]
However, the location of Melanippus' tomb was not the place where he was killed, but where his house was located. [274]
Pausanias writes that Amphiaraus was swallowed up by the earth between Thebes and Potniae, 1.8 km to the south, near the Ismenian sanctuary where the first battle took place. [275]
The Ismenian sanctuary contained a golden shield and spear that had been donated by Croesus, king of Lydia, in admiration of Amphiaraus's bravery and suffering.[276]

9 Age of Laodamas, son of Eteocles (1215-1205 BC)
Eteocles was succeeded by Laodamas, and Creon became his guardian. [277]

9.1 Epigoni's Attack on Thebes
In 1205 BC, ten years after Adrastus's attack on Thebes, the Argives, led by Alcmaeon, son of Amphiaraus, again invaded Thebes. [278]
The Argives were supported by the Messenians, Arcadians, Corinthians, and Megarians. [279]
The participants from Messenians are unknown.
The participants from Arcadia were his sons, Tlesimenes and Biantes, who joined to avenge the death of Parthenopaeus, son of Atalanta. They were joined by Temenus and Axion, two sons of Phegeus who lived in Phegia. [280]
They were the brothers of Alcmaeon's first wife, Alphesiboea (or Arsinoe). [281]
The participants from Corinth were Euchenor and Cleitus, the two sons of Polyidus, son of Coeranus, son of Abas, son of Melampus. [282]
Coeranus had emigrated to Corinth due to internal conflicts in Argos.
Megara was ruled by Ajax, son of Telamon, but there is no known connection between Ajax and Adrastus or Argos. He is probably one of the Argives who emigrated to Megara due to internal conflicts in Argos, and is probably seer Calchas, son of Thestor, who later participated in the Troy expedition. [283]
In addition, Hippolytus, son of Theseus, is presumed to have participated from Troezen.
It is said that Hippolytus was dragged to his death when the reins of his chariot got caught in a tree and overturned. [284]
The temple of Hippolytus, founded by Diomedes, was in Troezen, and Hippolytus was of the same generation as Diomedes. Since Troezen was under the control of Diomedes after the siege of Thebes, Hippolytus is believed to have participated in the siege of Thebes by Epigoni and died in battle. [285]
Meanwhile, Thebes received reinforcements from the surrounding towns. [286]

9.2 Participation from Mysia
Hyginus reports that Tlesimenes, son of Parthenopaeus, was a Mysian. [287]
Parthenopaeus migrated from Arcadia to Mysia in Asia Minor with Telephus, son of Auge. [288]
Parthenopaeus and Telephus were of the same age and lived near Mount Parthenius, just east of Tegea. [289]
Telephus' father was not Heracles, but Clymenus, son of Schoeneus, brother of Parthenopaeus' mother Atalanta. Telephus migrated to Mysia with his mother Auge and Clymenus' nephew Parthenopaeus. [290]
The inhabitants of Pergamus in Mysia were the descendants of those who migrated with Telephus from Arcadia. [291]
Parthenopaeus returned home before Adrastus's attack on Thebes and was killed in battle.
Tlesimenes, hearing of Epigoni's attack on Thebes, came from Mysia to avenge his father's death and join the expedition. [292]

9.3 Generals of the Epigoni
The following generals participated in the expedition to make Thersander, son of Polyneices, king of Thebes. [293]
Alcmaeon, son of Amphiaraus
Aegialeus, son of Adrastus
Promachus, son of Parthenopaeus, son of Talaus
Polydorus, son of Hippomedon
Amphilochus, son of Amphiaraus
Diomedes, son of Tydeus
Sthenelus, son of Capaneus
Euryalus, son of Mecisteus
Adrastus and Timeas, two sons of Polyneices,

9.4 Battle and Its Aftermath
The Argives, under Alcmaeon, arrived at Aulis by sea, and from there traveled overland to Thebes. [295]
Laodamas, son of Eteocles, set out from Thebes to meet them and camped at Glisas. [296]
There a fierce battle took place, in which Aegialeus, son of Adrastus, and Promachus, son of Parthenopaeus, were killed, but the Argives were victorious. [297]
The inhabitants of Thebes left the city and fled to Tilphossaeum, near Alalcomenae. [298]
The prophet Teiresias of Thebes died there, and his daughter Manto was taken prisoner by the Argives. [299]
The inhabitants of Thebes fled to various places as follows:
1) Those under Laodamas migrated to Illyria. [300]
Illyria was inhabited by the Encheleans, who invited Cadmus, ancestor of Laodamas. [300-1]
2) Some of them migrated to Homole, near the mouth of the Peneius in northern Thessaly. [301]
3) Some of them founded Histiaea in northwestern Euboea. [302]
Homer describes Histiaea as "rich in grapes." [303]
Most of the people fled to Mount Tilphossaeum near Haliartus, where they waited for the Argives to leave. [304]
The people who fled to Homole were later recalled to Thebes by Thersander. [305]

9.5 Eriphyle's Necklace
In 352 BC, Phayllus, son of Theotimus, tyrant of Phocis, plundered the temple of Athena Forethought in Delphi, and among the items was Eriphyle's necklace. [306]
The necklace was one of the spoils that the victorious Epigoni presented to Delphi.
Later, a man who saw the necklace in Delphi told a story about how it was brought to Delphi. The plot of the story is as follows.
Polyneices gave the necklace to Eriphyle, daughter of Adrastus, in order to persuade her husband, Amphiaraus, to join him in an expedition to Thebes. [307]
The necklace had been passed down from the time of Harmonia, wife of Cadmus. [308]
Alcmaeon, son of Amphiaraus, after the siege of Thebes by the Epigoni, murdered his mother Eriphyle, and obtained the necklace, according to his father's will. He then married Alphesiboea, daughter of Phegeus, who lived in Phegia in Arcadia, and gave her the necklace. [309]
Alcmaeon then emigrated to Acarnania, where he married Callirhoe. [310]
Callirhoe asked Alcmaeon to obtain the necklace for Eriphyle, and he went to Phegia, where he was killed. [311]
The sons of Phegeus, who had killed Alcmaeon, presented the necklace to Delphi. [312]
Homer tells us that Eriphyle sold her husband for the precious gold, a rather far-fetched story. [313]
However, the necklace that is said to have belonged to Eriphyle was not a gold chain.
Four years before Phayllus plundered the necklace from the temple, his brother Philomelus had plundered a golden shield donated by Croesus and other items from the same temple. If Eriphyle's necklace had been made of gold, Philomelus would not have missed it. The necklace would have been a worthless item. [314]

10 Age of Thersander, son of Polyneices (1205-1196 BC)
After Thersander took control of Thebes, he recalled the people who had fled to other places. The gate through which the people who returned from Homole in Thessaly entered the city came to be called the Homoloid gate. [315]
In other words, the Homoloid gate either did not exist or was called something else at the time of Adrastus's and Epigoni's attacks on Thebes.

10.1 Settlement in Acarnania of Alcmaeon and Captives
The captives, led by Alcmaeon, son of Amphiaraus, set out for Illyria, where their king Laodamas had settled. Some of them settled near the mouth of the Achelous River, which marks the border between Acarnania and Aetolia. There they founded a town called Astacus. [316]
There is a tradition that Alcmaeon settled in Acarnania after Diomedes, the son of Tydeus, and Alcmaeon avenged Diomedes's grandfather Oeneus, who had been banished from Calydon. [317]
However, there is also a tradition that Sthenelus, the son of Capaneus, assisted Diomedes in his campaign, which seems more plausible considering the close friendship between Diomedes and Sthenelus. [318]
It is unlikely that Alcmaeon campaigned with Diomedes for the following reasons:
1) Oeneus was banished by Agrius, the son of Parthaon of Pleuron, and his sons.
2) Hypermnestra, the wife of Alcmaeon's grandfather Oecleus, was the daughter of Thestius of Pleuron.
3) Agrius, and their sons were cousins of Alcmaeon.
Alcmaeon, along with his brother Amphilochus and others from Argos, settled in Arcadia. Alcmaeon and Manto had two children, a son, Amphilochus, and a daughter, Tisiphone.[319]

10.2 Settlement of Manto and Captives in Asia Minor
Alcmaeon married Callirhoe in the settlement, and Manto and the other captives wanted to emigrate to a new land. [320]
There were also captives in the outskirts of Thebes, and they also wanted to emigrate to a new land due to conflicts with the other inhabitants. [321]
Alcmaeon asked Thersander of Thebes to grant the wish of Manto and the other captives who wanted to emigrate. To Thersander, Alcmaeon was the brother of his wife Demonassa, and also his benefactor who had made him king of Thebes. [322]
Thersander decided to take Manto and the other captives to Mysia, the homeland of Tlesimenes, the son of Parthenopaeus, who had participated in the siege of Thebes by Epigoni. [323]
The guide for Thersander's colony was Tlesimenes, who arrived safely in Mysia, where Thersander died. [324]
Manto and his companions sailed further south and were received by the Cretans of Colophon, where they lived together. [325]

11 Age of Tisamenus, son of Thersander (1196-1150 BC)
During the reign of Tisamenus, there was a Troy expedition by the Achaeans.
Pausanias reports that Tisamenus did not participate in the expedition because he was not yet of warrior age. [326]
It seems that Thersander, born in Argos, and his son Tisamenus did not have the strong leadership to rally the inhabitants of Thebes.
It is assumed that the inhabitants of Thebes did not participate in the Troy expedition.

11.1 Invasion of Boeotia by the Thracians
In 1188 BC, the Thracians invaded Orchomenus, and some of the displaced inhabitants, led by Athamas, a descendant of Aeolus' son, emigrated to Teos in Ionia. [327]
Teos was just west of Colophon, where Manto had settled some time earlier. [328]
120 years later, the Boeotians, led by Geres the Boeotian, settled in Teos, along with the Ionians, led by Apoecus, the great-grandson of Melanthus of Athens. [329]
Some of the Orchomenians were also accepted by Athens and settled in Munychia. [330]
The Thracians who displaced the Orchomenians were the Hyantes, a name that was once synonymous with Boeotia. They were driven westward by Cadmus and were then living in Hyampolis in Phocis, waiting for an opportunity to return. [331]
The Thracians also occupied Thebes, carrying off the inhabitants whom they had taken captive. The Thebans recaptured the captives from the Thracians at Haliartus. [332]
The Thebans built a temple of Dionysus surnamed Lysios (Deliverer) near the Proetidian gate to commemorate this event. [333]

11.2 Invasion of Boeotia by the Pelasgians
In 1188 BC, the Pelasgians invaded Coroneia. The expelled inhabitants migrated to Arne in Thessaly. [334]
Coroneia was inhabited by the Boeotians, who had migrated from Arne to Boeotia during the time of Amphion. The Boeotians inhabited a wide area of ​​Boeotia, but Coroneia was their center. [335]
In 1186 BC, the Thesproteans invaded Thessaly, and the Boeotians of Arne returned to Boeotia under the leadership of the seer Peripoltas and Opheltes, son of Peneleos. However, they were unable to recapture Coroneia and settled in a place close to Phocis. [336]
The place was called Arne, but was later renamed Chaeroneia. [337]

12 Age of Autesion, son of Tisamenus (1150-1126 BC)
12.1 Return of the Boeotians
In 1126 BC, the Boeotians, who had remained in Arne in Thessaly as slaves called penestai, were expelled by the Thessalians. [338]
The Boeotians, who had been expelled from Arne, joined forces with the Boeotians who had returned earlier and lived in Arne (later Chaeroneia). They expelled the Pelasgians who had occupied Coroneia, led by Damasichthon, son of Opheltes, son of Peneleos. [339]
At this time, the Orchomenians, who had taken refuge in Munychia in Athens, also returned.
The Orchomenians and the Boeotians worked together to expel the Thracians who had occupied Orchomenus, and recaptured the city. [340]

12.2 Change of Thebes' ruler
The Boeotians under Damasichthon attacked Thebes.
Autesion, son of Tisamenus, was unable to resist the Boeotians and surrendered the city. [341]
Thebes, founded by Cadmus, came to be ruled by the Boeotians, a tribe of Aeolis, about 300 years later.
After leaving Thebes, Autesion did not go to Illyria, where Cadmus and Laodamas, son of Eteocles, had gone, or to Argos, the homeland of his grandmother.
Illyria was inhabited by the descendants of Laodamas, whom Autesion's grandfather had banished.
Argos was ruled by Tisamenus, son of Orestes, and the line of Autesion's grandmother had become extinct.
Autesion emigrated to the land of the Dorians. [342]

12.3 Migration to Doris
In Pindus in Doris, between Epicnemidian Locris and Opuntian Locris, lived Aristomachus, the son of Cleodaeus, the son of Hyllus, the son of Heracles. [343]
After the death of Heracles, Aegimius, king of the Dorians, adopted Hyllus, the son of Heracles, and Hyllus became king of Hylleis, one of the three tribes of the Dorians. [344]
Heracles was hated by Creon, the father of his divorced wife Megara, and was estranged from Thebes. However, Hipponome, the mother of Amphitryon, father of Heracles, was the daughter of Menoeceus, a descendant of Cadmus, and the descendants of Heracles and Autesion shared Cadmus as their common ancestor.
Around the time Autesion migrated to the land of the Dorians, there was an invasion of the Dorians by Aristomachus into Peloponnesus. Aristomachus was defeated and killed in battle by Tisamenus, son of Orestes.
It seems likely that the descendants of Heracles welcomed Autesion, either before the battle to strengthen their forces or after the battle to replace their losses. [345]
Later, Autesion's daughter Argeia married Aristodemus, son of Aristomachus, and bore twin sons Eurysthenes and Procles, who became kings of Sparta. [346]

13 Age of Damasichthon, son of Opheltes (1126-1115 BC)
Damasichthon gained Thebes and became ruler of the whole of Boeotia.
The name Boeotia, which had been used only locally around Coroneia, came to refer to the whole of Boeotia.
During Damasichthon's time, the colonization of Asia Minor by Aeolis flourished, and the port of Aulis in Boeotia was bustling with ships carrying immigrants. [347]
In 1120 BC, the Boeotians joined a group led by Penthilus, son of Orestes of Mycenae, and settled in Aeolis. [348]

14 Age of Xanthus, son of Ptolemy (1115-1111 BC)
Damasichthon was succeeded by Xanthus, son of Ptolemy, son of Damasichthon. [349]
In 1111 BC, Xanthus died fighting the Athenians over a land dispute. [350]
The land in dispute is said to be either Melaenae or Oinoe. [351]
The man Xanthus fought against was also said to be Melanthus, king of Athens, his father Andromorphus, or Thymoetes, king of Athens before Melanthus. [352]
After Xanthus' death, the monarchy of Thebes, which had lasted for over 300 years, was abolished. [353]

15 Thebes after the abolition of the monarchy
15.1 Thebes and Sparta
In 1070 BC, the Dorians of Sparta were unable to capture Amyclae, where the Achaeans lived, so they invited Timomachus from Thebes to lead the military. [354]
It seems odd that Autesion, the father of Theras, the guardian of the first Spartan king, had been exiled from Thebes.

15.2 Colonization in Thebes
In 1043 BC, Philotas, a descendant of Peneleus, son of Hippalcimus, led a group of immigrants from Thebes to settle across Samos and rebuilt Priene. [355]
Priene had been founded some time earlier by a group of colonists led by Aepytus, son of Neileus, son of Codrus. [356]

15.3 Battle with the Thessalians
In 594 BC, the Thessalians under Lattamyas invaded Boeotia, but the Thebans fought near Thespiae and defeated them. [357]
The Thessalians, who had participated in the capture of Cirrha in Phocis as part of the Amphictyons, also invaded Boeotia. [358]

15.4 Thebes during Pausanias' visit
When Pausanias visited Thebes in the 2nd century AD, the inhabitants lived in the Acropolis (old Cadmeia), and the rest of the area was deserted. In other words, Thebes had become a town of the same size as old Cadmeia. [359]
